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Rishi Vishwamitra Vidya Foundation
A sec 8 company
Office address - Lucknow
Our Aim-
Promote the study of Sanskrit and Vedic Literature and coordinate the work with Sanskrit institutions and Vedic pathshalas in all over india
-To establish, manage Sanskrit Grammer classes and Vedic Pathshala, research centers all over country, maintain and run them for any of the objective of Foundation.
-To provide certificate, Award and stipend to sanskrit Grammer and Ved learner student and scholars.
-To Provide for research facilities to student with the background of Vedic Knowledge and to equip them with sufficient scientific outlook so that modern scientific thought contain in the Vedas particularly in the disciplines of mathematics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, hydraulics etc. could be link with modern science & technology and a rapport could be establish between them & modern scholars.
-To print publish and circulate articles, research paper and books related to Vedic literature( four vedas, six darshan shastra, upnishad, ayurved, and other vedic Shastra)